Social Science Program
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- Social Science Program
Which campus offers the program?
- Göteborg
- Halmstad
- Stockholm, Stora Essingen
- Samhällsvetenskap
- Beteendevetenskap
- medier, information & kommunikation
More information:
The program
The Social Science Program is a higher education preparatory program. On graduation social science students will have a firm foundation for further studies in a wide range of social sciences.
The Social Science Program at Amerikanska Gymnasiet
At Amerikanska Gymnasiet students can choose any of the three orientations in the social science program. This choice is made before the start of Year 2. During Year 1 all the courses are the same for the program. This means that you can make a more considered choice as you do not need to make this decision in Year 9. Qualification for university or college is the same for all three orientations and through your individual choices you can meet the special requirements for university admission.
Orientation Social Science
When you choose the social science program, orientation social science, you will learn about society’s structures and about human conditions on the individual, group and society levels. You will broaden and deepen your understanding of social issues through interpreting and explaining phenomena and contexts. You will also develop your ability to apply methods used in the social sciences.
Orientation Behavioral Science – Criminology
When you choose the social science program, orientation behavioral science, you will learn about human development, socialization and interaction in different contexts. You will gain a greater understanding of how people act as individuals, as members of groups, organizations and societies from different perspectives. You will also study communication, learning and leadership while developing your ability to apply methods used in the social sciences..
Criminology is a captivating subject. In the course of the three years teaching is linked more and more to trials and real-life cases. The criminology orientation has the greatest scope in Year 3. Amerikanska Gymnasiet has established contacts within courts, the FBI and other agencies in the USA. Teaching therefore spans lectures to learning about and working with real legal cases from the USA.
Orientation Media, Information and Communication
When you choose the social science program, orientation media, information and communication, you will learn about the role of media in society and how to make use of media technology to communicate and arouse interest. You will study journalism, information and advertising and gain practical experience in testing the communicative possibilities of text, image and sound. You will learn in both practice and theory about interactive forms of communication. This orientation gives you the opportunity to explore how the media influence both individuals and groups regarding how attitudes, opinions and perceptions of the surrounding world are formed.
Choose the orientation Social Science at Amerikanska Gymnasiet when
- You are interested in working with aid and with aid projects while you attend high school
- You are interested in social enterprises and networking
- You want to practice rhetoric and become skilled at public speaking
Choose the orientation Behavioral Science at Amerikanska Gymnasiet when
- You are interested in working as HR manager, psychologist or with recruitment
- You find people and different personalities fascinating
- You are interested in criminology
Choose the orientation Media, Information and Communication at Amerikanska Gymnasiet when
- You find working in social media exciting
- You are interested in communication and in websites
- You like photography, film and image editing